I don’t know about you, but I get A LOT of spammy emails. People trying to get a guest post. People trying to sell me SEO services. People selling social media services. People trying to promote their new products. I get it all. Usually I just delete the emails. But I started thinking, what if instead of just deleting them, I sent them all a reply.
Obviously I’m not going to take the time to write out a personalized reply to all these emails, since they honestly don’t deserve one. So instead, I decided to make a new page on my site that I can direct every automated email I get to. Feel free to borrow my idea and do something for your own blog too.
Check out the page I made here, and let me know what you think!
I have to say this is Awsome! Great work
Yet another great post, Dominique! I’ve often had the impulse to do as you have in responding to spammy emails, so I might just try your idea.
Give it a try Donna! If we can change the mind of at least one spammer, it’s worth it.